Carrera Digital 132 DTM Fast & Fabulous 7.3 Full Set 30030
Carrera Digital 132 DTM Fast & Fabulous 7.3 Full Set 30030
Dimensions when Assembled: 305 x 170 cm
1x Mercedes-AMG GT3 Evo "Mercedes-AMG Team Winward D.Schumacher, No.27" (31067)
- 1 x BMW M4 GT3 Schubert Motorsport, No.31 (31077)
- 11 x Standard Straights (20509)
- 8 x 1/60 Curves (20571)
- 1 x Control Unit (30352)
- 2 x Wired Controllers (30340)
- 1 x Double Lane Change Section (30347)
- 1 x 14.8 Volt Transformer
- Spare Contact Brushes
- Guard Rail
- Track Connection Clips
- Instructions
- Scale of Track: 1/24
- Scale of Cars: 1/32
The Carrera DIGITAL 132 'DTM Fast and Fabulous' set is a duel between two German DTM superstars. The Team Winward Mercedes-AMG GT3 Evo and the Team Schubert Motorsport BMW M4 GT3 racing cars do battle around the 7.3-meter racing circuit. David Schumacher, the son of former Formula 1 driver Ralf Schumacher, gave his DTM debut in the blue, white and yellow Mercedes of Team Winward. South African shooting star Sheldon van der Linde appears in the black, red and yellow BMW M4 with race no.31. This combination of drivers and cars has already won the DTM!